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When G-dliness will Real
To what extent will we be able to perceive G-d when Moshiach comes?

In the book of Isaiah it is written: “And they shall say on that day, ‘Behold, this is our G-d: we hoped for Him that He would save us; this is the Lord for Whom we hoped; let us rejoice and be happy with His salvation.’” Isaiah prophesies that when Moshiach comes, each of us will identify G-d, to the point that we can, so to speak, point with our fingers and say “here He is.” G-dliness will be as real to us as the physical world is now.

The beginning of the verse in Isaiah uses the name “Elokeinu”, while the second half of the verse uses the four-letter name of G-d, Havaya.

The name Elokim is usually used to refer to G-d as He operates within nature. The numerical value of the word Elokim is equivalent to Hateva, nature. The name Elokim symbolizes G-d’s relationship to His creations. The word Elokim is used in various possessives, such as Elokeinu, our G-d, Elokecha, your G-d, etc. The four-letter name of G-d, Havaya, by contrast, is never written with possessives. It represents a level of G-d that is completely removed from and above creation. In fact, the four-letter name itself is not pronounceable. Havaya is translated as “He has been, He is, and He will be” – G-d as He is above time and nature.

In his prophecy, Isaiah uses both terms, Elokim and Havaya. When Moshiach comes, we will first identify G-d as Elokim – as He enclothes Himself in nature. Later, we will recognize G-d as Havaya, above and beyond nature. Then the two will merge, and we will realize that “The Lord our G-d, the Lord is One” – that G-d as He is invested in nature is one with Havaya, G-d who exists outside the bounds of time and space. 

(Isaiah 26:9. Mesechet Taanis, end. Sotah 37:2. Moreh Nevuchim, Section 1, chapter 3. Hadrah on Mesechet Taanis of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Torat Menachem 5744, vol. 3, p. 1553)



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