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Mitzvot on the time of Moshiach


When Moshiach comes, which will be greater, studying Torah or fulfilling Mitzvot?


First let us examine which is more important now. In the Talmud it is written that study is more important: "Rabbi Tarfon and some elders were reclining in an upper chamber in the house of Nitza in Lod when this question came up: Which is greater, study or action? Rabbi Tarfon spoke up and said: Action is greater. Rabbi Akiva spoke up and said: Study is greater. The others then spoke up and said: Study is greater because it leads to action." In other words, study is the most important because it teaches us how to fulfill the mitzvot.

However, Rabbi Schneur Zalmen of Liadi, author of Tanya, states that this applies only in the time of exile. "In the future it will be reversed--fulfillment of mitzvot will be greater than Torah study.

The explanation for this difference, in short, is this: Study of Torah and fulfillment of mitzvot are both ways of connecting mankind to the will and wisdom of G-d. When an individual studies Torah, he becomes connected to G-d through his intellect and understanding. When he fulfills mitzvot he is connected through the power of action. The power of understanding is far more internal and spiritual than the power of action, and that is why generally, Torah study binds one to G-d more than fulfillment of mitzvot.

However, in the future will be revealed a level of soul that empowers us to fulfill mitzvot simply because they are the will of G-d, not due to our knowledge and understanding. At its essence, the soul of a Jew is connected to G-d Himself with an absolute bond and unity, far greater than what could be attained through understanding alone.

Today this level is hidden and unrecognized, but in the times of Redemption it will come to the forefront. This is why in the future, mitzvah observance will be greater than Torah study.

Kiddushin 40a. Sefer Maamorim 5567, p. 309. Sefer Maamorim Melukat, vol. 2, p. 221.



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